overpowered satyrs
Dear Illwinter,
I would like to suggest in the strongest possible terms that Pangaean satyrs are hideously overpowered. One satyr, all by himself, killed my ubergolem.
My ubergolem, if you are wondering, had the Unquenched Sword, Barrier, Spirit Helm, Monolith Armor, Boots of the Planes, Amulet of Antimagic and Pendant of Luck. He had 85 hp, 37 protection, 23 mr.
His first combat against Pangaea went extremely well. He teleported into their army and obliterated the hapless Pangaean units. On his second attack, he ran into The Satyr From Hell.
The battle started out fine...harpies moved in...and died. Then the minotaurs moved in...and died. The remaining forces were routed and ran away.
Then the trap was sprung. A few units, including The Satyr From Hell, stayed on the far side of the battlefield. My ubergolem lumbered across the map, trying to get into lightning bolt range. The Last few units ate lightning bolts... except for this one satyr. My ubergolem moved into range and....
...the battle was over. Satyr wins, ubergolem dies.
At first I assumed my golem was killed by a congenital heart defect. After watching the battle again, I concluded that satyrs have some hitherto unknown superweapon. My golem was deliberately and maliciously lured into range of this superweapon and then annihilated.
So please, Illwinter, tame the mighty satyr before other would-be supercombatants fall to their mighty hoofs.