December 15th, 2003, 11:50 PM
Second Lieutenant
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Re: overpowered satyrs
Originally posted by Caseus:
I have an example for those who want it. My email address is caseus_lot@hotmail.com.
The golem's fatigue was at 95, he was trying to hunt down the Last unit who was not retreating (fatigue was > 100, maybe he couldn't), and I got the message "the armies of Vanheim have been routed".
Gotta be a time limit.
Yes. The satyr couldn't retreat because unquenched sword's "heat from hell" kept on raising his fatigue, hence keeping him unconscious and unable to flee the field, yet it didn't raise it enough to make him die (him having low enc and all). I think the defender automatically wins upon timeout (at least that's what happened in a battle when all that was left were paralyzed units due to expolding elder thing).