January 3rd, 2004, 07:44 PM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: pretenders cant preach?
Originally posted by PhilD:
quote: Originally posted by Treebeard:
Hmmm sacred pretenders would be very interesting to see, even if balance would have to be redone from scratch. I mean, think of a Earth 9/Nature 9 sacred Big Momma - extra reinvigoration, more protection (both from earth and berserk) and a 20% level regeneration!
Wouldn't Shroud of the Battle Saint work for this?
(Construction 4, Astral 1, supposed to give Prot5 and Blessed) For some reason I never thought of that. In all the games I tested max blessings (all 4's and one or two 9's) I never considered what could be done by giving a shroud to the pretender. Hmmmmm whole new line of thought in that. >:-)
[ January 03, 2004, 17:44: Message edited by: Gandalf Parker ]
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