Well, greetings everybody.
I am currently trying to think out a decent strategy for the 'Last of the Tuatha' Man theme and will be thankful for any advise more experienced players can give.
For now, I am taking a divine serpent pretender for better scales - nature magic only (lvl6 usually), turmoil-luck, production and growth for more gold, dominion strength to recruit more of these Sidhe. Then I go for Conjuration magic 3 to Call the Winds and patrol my provinces to get rid of unrest.
Then... Well, then I'm a little bit stuck. I was thinking about researching lightning bolt and aim spells for my commanders, then going for the Contact Draconians to get some nice free summons. But draconians seem to be actually very bad troops because they rout after but a few rounds of combat in most cases (orders to hold and attack rear).
Sure, Tarrasques are awesome, but it's a lvl9, hard to research even with magic scale of the Tuatha.
So for now I've found useful:
1) Early expansion with longbows, of course.
2) Bards with Ivy Crowns raising Vine Ogres. Simple, yet effective.
3) Tuatha with some good protective items and a staff of storms. Being protected from lightning, he casts wrathful skies at the beginning of combat and watches the enemy die. Usually I give him some Vine Ogres, they've got alot of HP and will probably outLast an enemy. Later on Thunder Ward can be used. Main problem is to keep the Tuatha from spending all the air gems in one combat - I have to give him an 'attack' order in the end of stack, which is dangerous. Is there any other solution?
4) Couatl can be used to dispel most troublesome global enchantments.
5) Tuatha with an Air pick and a Winged Helm can cast Wind Ride to effectively assasinate enemy commanders.
For now, that's all. Comments, ideas and suggestions are really welcome.