Chug one every time you win a battle. That should make the war go back and forth.
But seriously, Arcos power is in magic. Great mages, labs at 1/2 price, starting spells designed at spying out the world quickest. In SP games its hard to see the use of magic but in MP games you can usually get there.
A fairly standard Arcos thing is NOT to try and take the world. You take enough for gold/gem income, concentrate on defense so the game goes long enough, and lead scoreboard in research.
Depending on who you are next to you might create a temporary alliance feeding them gold/gems/magic-items and let them plow the way. If you bribe them enough they might even let you have some of their backside provinces. Arcos/Ulm makes a heck of a combo but they have to be close enough to be your barrier while you research yourself into power.
Just my humble opinion of course. There are many ways to play in this game. Oh yeah, a combat god might help balance things for you.
[ January 21, 2004, 13:19: Message edited by: Gandalf Parker ]