BTW forgetting his spelllist is a far too common habit of my abyssia mage.. wich is quite a problem as my army is my mages.... ( 6 of them, with a W9/E4/A4/F1 pretender if you see what I mean

As my Prophet start his list by a Divine Blessing ( and BTW always cast Last after even the puniest mage.. strange for my better wizard ... ) that quicken everyone he immediatly alter his listing by casting another divine spell then every mages cast at random from their book....
Seems to be entirely related to the quicken effect and the fact that yo ucan choose only 1 spell by turn and not 2...
Hopefully I can clena the problem by only having evoc and thauma researched... But you understand why I would love to be able to restrain the book of my mages. By round 3 I am out of list... but usually Indies are on the run already...