Unexpected death of the ettin.
C'tis mage VS a single archer and an ettin.
round 1: archer fires, mage raises skeleton, ettin stands there.
round 2: archer fires, mage raises skeleton, ettin stands there.
round 3: archer fires, mage raises skeleton, ettin stands there.
round 4: archer fires, mage raises skeleton, ettin stands there.
round 5: archer fires, mage raises skeleton, ettin stands there.
this keeps happening for a long time...
Finally the archer is killed, ettin makes a morale check and fails, ettin runs while getting attacked by skeletons.
Ettin is down to 63 health, no skeletons can keep up with him as he runs too fast.
He still has 63 health... he's running... My mage has fainted, he ain't doing anything...
As soon as the ettin runs into the end of the field, he dies. No poison, nothing near attacking him, no enchantments, not battle enchantments, no curses, etc. My mage is fainted, didn't cast anymore skeletons, still unconcious. The ettin had 63 health before he died, no skeletons were near him...
ETC ETC ETC........ And yes, the ettin was a mercenary... he just... died...