February 5th, 2004, 03:54 AM
Major General
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Urd fondness
The devs seem to have a fondness for the name "Urd". I have a "Well of Urd", province of "Urd", and a Seithkona named "Urd".
Now we just need ...
- The Urn of Urd (D1, prevents being Raised)
- Gird of Urd (N3, wyrmskin pelt grants regen & water-breathing, itches in hot climes [-1 def], shrinks when wet [1/2 att & def])
- Herd of Urd (N3, summons a dozen trampling elk)
- Bird of Urd (size 6 Roc commander, fond of eating horses and isn't picky about whether they have riders on them already)
- T*rd of Urd (B2, diseases target)
- Wyrd of Urd (N5, area-effect curse)
