Convinced! Now looking for MP game...
The game looks great, but I am hesitating on purchasing until I have a little more info.
I play almost all computer games exclusively over the internet against other human players, so one of the most important aspects of a game for me is how easy it is to get into MP games.
I am most interested in hearing about internet play, but welcome comments about PBEM too.
How often do games start?
How long do they take to finish on average?
Is the MP internet game stable--how much of a problem is crashing and dropping of players?
How welcoming is the MP community to new players?
Are there many Online games in the U.S. Eastern time zone, and when are sessions scheduled: weeknights, weekend morning, afternoon or evening?
I have been scanning the forum (which is a bit counterintuitive to navigate, btw) and haven't been able to get a handle on these questions--if a post exists about this and I have missed it, please by all means point me to it.
Thanks in advance.
[ February 13, 2004, 02:18: Message edited by: Reverend Zombie ]
In strait places gar keep all store,
And burn the plain land them before:
Then shall they pass away in haste,
When that they find nothing but waste...