February 11th, 2004, 12:32 AM
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Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR
Originally posted by Zen:
If I'd known that you were going to write an AAR that would stir this much contraversy I'd have made you pick Arco with a Natarajah. They are much easier to teach *everything* about without having any instant weaknesses
My fault. I didn't get the idea to AAR it until I'd done 17 or 18 turns. It wasn't exactly planned. Hell, if it had been, I'd've been more dutiful about making sure I didn't overlook things when issuing turn orders (like my scout). The fact that I have save games for each turn is a habit I got into a few weeks ago, after I ran into an issue that I was posting to IW as a bug and was not at the time keeping savegames so couldn't show them an example of it. I have 77 turns of a R'lyeh game, 57 of an Ashikaga game (LoF god), 39 turns of a dual-bless (N+W) Utgard game, and a few others as well. None of these do I have any intention of writing an AAR for. One AAR I think will be more than enough work for me.
I am very interested in what you have to say about Arco, Nats, and "everything". Anytime you'd care to create your own educational thread ... 