Turn #38, Late Spring of Year 4
Dust to dust.
Part 2 of 2
I raise the PD in Ancyna by 2 (to 20), in Zenthra by 3 (to 20), in Agenor to 9, in Man to 20, and in Ivenmoor to 20. A new lab is to be built in Ancyrna, and a new temple in Man. These preparations drain the treasury of 961 coins.
Taxes are reduced to zero in Agenor to quell unrest.
The Ivy King Thomm continues a monthly ritual of
Vine Ogres, at a cost of 1 nature gem each month. The Norna Rimdriva prepares to invoke the ritual of
Acashic Record upon the province of Ivenmoor, for which I allot 25 of the astral pearls in the treasury. The Skratti Tunne, using a Dwarven Hammer, forges another
Clam of Pearls, at a cost of only 7 water gems. The Enchantress Petrona forges
Winged Boots, for which I allot 5 air gems. Two Garnet Priestesses each forge a
Sceptre of Authority, using all 10 fire gems in the treasury. Two Seithkona each forge an
Endless Bag of Wine, expending 10 nature gems.
My wyrm Jorgun will Teleport to Imictan, consuming the Last 2 astral pearls in the treasury. Imictan is reported to contain some 30 barbarians. Even twice that number should not present any problems. While I have little concern for any hostilities stemming from Ulm's recent acquisitions in provinces adjacent to Imictan, in the long run I cannot afford to just sit idly by and let my neighbors continue to grow in strength. It is better if I lay claim to the resources that these as-yet-independent provinces contain.
With that thought, I command that Swanuth the Firbolg, who is given the Winged Boots that were forged Last month, take command of a new army of 20 Jotun spearmen and 8 vine ogres in the Black Alps and that this army move to occupy the rich coastal farmlands of Saeborea, heading off any potential expansion of Atlantis or Arcoscephale into the eastern part of my realm. The commander Theag will move to Ancyrna to pick up the recently recruited Troglodytes there, while Tahmar moves back to Pythium.
The four priests in the Rim Mountains move to Agenor, as do three of the priests in Man, and commander Stark from Melma.
Rod the Firbolg, leading a company of 18 Jotun spearmen and a bodyguard of 5 vine ogres, along with 4 priests carrying Sceptres of Authority and with one vine ogre apiece as bodyguards, move northeast from Agenor to attack Vanheim's province of Gipha. Resistance is expected to amount to no more than a score of archers and light infantry.
Bove, commanding my largest Jotun army, will patrol Ivenmoor, while Grymis and the priest Erkeborn preach there. The other priest in Bove's army, Arnold, heads to Hoburgdorf.
Ualgo, with a half-dozen Jotuns (four of them still afflicted), moves from Herghendorf to rejoin Bove's army at Ivenmoor.
Turn #38 plotted movement (1178x1024)