Re: Suggestion: How\'s aboot a viceroy?
I agree that some sort of macro managing scheme would be useful. On the other hand, having played against the AI, I really don't want it administering my empire, or part of.
I currently reduce micromanagement by using strategies that reduce it : go for high quality armies (they take less losses and don't need a constant stream of reinforcement), concentrate on a few production centers, wait for an big army to be assembled before moving it out (no running around assembling the men), take advantage of the few automated tasks (monthly summons, enter site, summon allies), and once you have the cash, place big orders of regular troops that will take several turns to complete.
As it is, I would favor a few management reducing commands over full fledged viceroy : the ability to tell a province to churn out such and such units every turn, and a go-to command, for example. Monthly forge items, or even better a forge item queue, would also be nice.
P.S. How can you afford to give 8000 gold to your viceroy ? Don't tell me you routinely have that kind of cash on hand ?