Officially, I never finish tweaking any of my projects, Stormbinder
That said, I surely hope that I receive feedback from those of you who play the map, in order that I can improve it. I strive for some sort of balance in the starting positions, as I will want to play it in MP one of these days, but it is obviously impossible to test the relative strengths of the VERY different setups fully with just one player.
As such, is any nation too weak? Any nation too strong? Is there some site that one of the nations just needs to have to give it that little extra tweak, for fun or for profit? Does some sites need to be removed?
As for you, Stormbinder, I suggest you play around with it a bit [as non-Ermor] with 16 impossible AIs and then, after a game or two, you tell me whether you want a Version where the advantages are removed for the country you play.