Heya all. As a lover of Dominions 1, I was very happy to see that Dom 2 has been out for some time, and even happier to see these forums. However, after trying the demo, I have a major complaint (well, its major to me

In Dom 1, you could speed up battles greatly using the number keys 1 through 0, 0 being fastest. However, this doesnt seem to work in Dom 2, which is very disappointing to me. Why? Because I like to watch battles in fast mode to see which units are holding up their end and which arent. The pace in the Dom 2 demo seems *very* slow, with all movement stopping every time someone casts flare, and I really miss this feature. Will it be making a return, or is it already there and I am just missing it somehow? This makes the game pretty much unplayable for my 3d-shooter saturated brain. Thanks!