March 13th, 2004, 11:32 PM
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Re: OT: Recommendations?
Originally posted by fahdiz:
I guess what I'm looking for (and I suppose I should have been clearer, since I've gotten a lot of these types of responses) is not so much old classics (as I've been a computer/board/pen-and-paper gamer for a long time) but more the "relatively recently-released, unknown/unsung, unjustly ignored" types of games.
H'm. What do you mean by recent? I feel compelled to put in a good word for Emperor of the Fading Suns, but it's about eight (?) years old now. This seems recent to me, but my standards may be warped. Anyway, it's a lovely little Machevellian sci-fi TBS. The AI leaves a great deal to be desired (it's probably best for PBEM), and the game feels slightly unfinished (some of the intended functionality looks so wonderful that I want to cry), but what it does deliver is very, very solid. I've never found another game (well, except Merchant Prince) that allows for as much conniving political interaction. Which of course only makes me all the more mournful that it wasn't adequetely supported and/or finished. Oh, and the combat model is almost perfect. Routed units aren't quite handled right (IMO), but combined arms are done nicely.
Anyway, shortcomings aside, I'll finish my (qualified) gushing endorsement by pointing out that, despite all of its shortcomings, it's been continuously installed since I bought it...
[ March 13, 2004, 21:33: Message edited by: E. Albright ]