Blood level effect on hunting
... they don't seem to influence one another terribly much at higher blood levels.
Blood 2 + SDR seems close to ideal - not per cost but net per turn. At the end of a game i was screwing around with empowering and even at 7-Blood SDR (natural+items) i hardly noticed any difference compared to my 2-Blood SDR searchers.
Its not that Blood doesn't influence the take, but that it seems Blood level isn't as important as the hidden, random variable that is rolled to determine the size of the catch.
I think this is why scouts do so well. On a per-turn basis scouts suck. In fact 7 out of 8 turns scout barely grab any slaves, and usually they miss >50% of the time. But ever 8 or 10 turns they get 'lucky' and nab eight or more. Occasionally a true Blood searcher will find 30+ but this seems extremely rare; more than likely, they get their normal 3-18 and then add the 'lucky' catch like a scout, so that the net effect is to skew the average towards scouts.
Blood - 9 Pretenders always do better than normal Blood searchers, but never THAT much better. 2B+SDR gets usually ~8 turn, 9B+SDR ~ 18ish.
Blood 9 should just be able to say "COME" and fill up on slaves. At least, imo.