Tricking you into thinking a spell is good: Carrion Reanimation
Yeah, I thought it was good until I couldn't cast it into an enemy. There's 0 purpose for that spell now that I know it can't be cast in an enemy province.
The undead it summons (up to 100) is hardly enough to kill 20 heavy infantry (even if 100 are summoned) and is easily killed by lots of militia or defence. Now, since when are you going to have 100 corpses to turn into undead? I thought I could try casting Black Death, but I didn't want to cast it myself.
Conclusion: This spell is worthless to all except Ermor who can generate lots of corpses.
And if anyone hasn't notice, "Army of the Dead" spell is bugged.
[ March 31, 2004, 21:35: Message edited by: Argitoth ]