May 1st, 2004, 12:44 AM
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Re: An intial try at a Pythium strategy guide
Now, I wonder how ethereal elephants will perform
Indeed this is how I started with this tactic. I tried it on Arcosphale elephants and was quite happy with the results! The only problem was that the elephants would break once in a while and squish my expensive casters. It was also expensive as both the casters for Arcosphale and the elephants cost a nice amount of coin.
But other that the money consideration it was amazing to watch!
I also tried it with chariots. Seeing as the only problem with chariots is the lack of decent protection I figured this would work nicely. And indeed it did.
Ahh, and here I was thinking that 'body ethereal' was a 'self' spell.
Shocked me too!