Re: Good game, but....the AI is very bad.
If they took out the light infantry, you'd post the same thing again on a different thread, but without the first problem.
I've been playing computer games for about 15 years, which is pretty much as long as computer games have been around, and I've always been a strategy fan. Dom 2 doesn't have the best AI of all the games I've played. There, I said it, and you said it and he said it and it's been said before.
The fact that they HAVE an AI is pretty impressive. And now you don't want it to cheat? For god's sake, get a grip. Illwinter is possibly the most responsive dev group I've ever seen, and I bet they're not exactly rolling in the dough. I was happy to have my 50 bucks go to some guys who work hard on their game, and not have most of it go to marketing, dynamic lighting effects and impressive packaging.
This game is more bang for the same buck and the money goes to the people who actually did most of the work. For 50 bucks (actually for me it more like 80, because I'm Canadian) I got more than my money's worth, I'm I mostly play SP.
I'm sure they will improve the AI, if they can, and now that people are pitching in to help it should go faster. 6 months is no great shake of time on a game this replayable, and I for one feel that all the effort we're putting into rebutting you would be better spent modding, playing or coding to improve an already great game.
You've got a right to complain, but put your time where your mouth is, and do something to improve it, don't slag others who are.