May 10th, 2004, 09:38 AM
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Re: Good game, but....the AI is very bad.
Originally posted by proteus:
Thanks for your detailed reply Mr. Parker.
I think that you are right in many things, we should come up with detailed ideas. Propably the devs know about these AI probelms as well...
Castle & Troop building algorythm is what we propably need first of all.
My idea is, that the devs should code the AI to build LOT Less LI units, concentrate on summons and HI & HC.
Maybe this is a problem because of the few AI fortresses. No fortress -> no advanced units.
IMHO first of all the AI castle building should be fixed. Than it may build HI & HC over LI.
If not, than the devs should implent troop build algorythms.
I will post more ideas soon.
Yes, I proposed the same kind of mod some time ago, but in a more complicated manner (change cost.res of units to "help" AI to not buid crap). But a straight take-out-the-LI approach is certainly simpler. You will still have AI builds a lot of indy militias , but at least national troops should be better...
Your defense of LI is good, but really LI is useless to AI, as it plays it as if it were HI ...
A human player can do *some* things with LI because he'll use it purposefully (patrol, front line fodder, mass enchantments, sneakiness...), that's not the case with the AI, so it should rather not build any !
(edit) : Why are you asking ppl to give "formulas" for AI ? Users complain about a feature they think "bad", they don't *have to* give a solution...
(Should be your techie-oriented thinking )
[ May 10, 2004, 08:45: Message edited by: PDF ]