Re: Good game, but....the AI is very bad.
I'd say the AI is remarkably good. Especially considering both the complexity of the game, and the level of AI in other strategy games, even ones with much less complexity.
My own win/loss record against the AI is something like 3 complete losses (I was wiped out after making some initial progress), 2 convincing wins (not yet completed), and 5 games with very long stalemates and very near defeats before eventually I'm starting to pull ahead (but also not completed).
I'd say that's a pretty awesome record for the AI, considering I'm a very smart strategy game player with decades of gaming experience, and that the game has insane amounts of complexity.
Of course, I'm not just duelling against a single AI in these games - I tend to play against multiple AI's with some or all of them given bonuses, and I don't go nuts trying to exploit techniques to the utmost, but rather I play to enjoy the game by trying out different strategies and techniques to see how they work, and so on. I don't recall every having a more rewarding experience against an AI player in a strategy game.
The "Light Infantry issue" isn't so much an AI issue as it is a game balance issue. The LI fight like HI and so become rather ineffective in most cases, and therefore they are generally a weak choice. I would say that should be addressed by making LI a more viable choice, by adjusting the tactical AI so LI don't often get caught in melee with superior enemy forces, and/or by reducing their gold cost in most cases.