May 26th, 2004, 08:02 AM
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Re: Best Province targeting ritual?
Originally posted by Norfleet:
Army of the Dead is a "named" spell, however. If the Army of the Dead succeeds, the province falls into YOUR hands immediately...and the army sticks around and can raid neighboring provinces next turn. The purpose of the spell is different.
Phantasmal Attack isn't level 9. Thus, it's expected that its potency and economy are not of the same caliber.
Army of the Dead can be employed gainfully against forted provinces. Ghost Riders is of very little use here.
Well in the cases where a province has a castle then ghost riders will still be best for cleaning out the units patrolling. I was comparing the spell against other summoned attack spells for total damage which can be done against an army.
Per gem cost against other summoned attack spells ghost riders wins hands down for most damage done to an army. Adding a fortress to a province is a different variable which might change what needs to get accomplished.
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