June 9th, 2004, 08:19 PM
Major General
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Re: MP Game - Play The World: CANCELLED
Okay, Argitoth has sent in his turn, so we've begun the timer. I've set it at 36 hours for this next turn, will reduce to 24 shortly.
Originally posted by Tuidjy:
I tried 2.12, and the server must have
crashed. I have never seen a patch that breaks
games in such an insidious way. What the hell
is wrong with a simple Version check, and FORCING
clients to have the right Version before playing?
You must not have seen a lot of patches. Sure, you can ask for a simple Version check, but that would require ANOTHER patch(augh). And after this one, I'd really rather not ask Illwinter for another patch. I'd just as soon see that this to be the Last patch.
Originally posted by Tuidjy:
I appologize, and I am
sure that Norfleet will just erase my stupid turn
and everything will fine.
Deleted! Resubmit, this time without the funny new Version.
Originally posted by Daynarr:
Maybe its not a bad idea to upgrade this game to 2.12 as well. Since Mosehansen has upgraded their server most players will have their Version upgraded as well. Having different Versions can confuse people and cause more errors like this.
Except that I have concerns that this will break people's pretenders. Since 2.12 added nothing that I actually care for or about, and some of the clan and several others frown upon it, at this present time, I have no compelling reason to change anything. If these problems become more frequent, and I receive reports that it is "safe", then I will consider it: Otherwise, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.