What\'s the best 100 gold National mage?
Almost all races have a cheap national mage, but obviously not all are equal. Ignoring any synergy that the unit has with other units of it's race and just basing it on pure stats, which do you think is the strongest cheap mage?
Because of space concerns the cantidates were limited to those that met one of the three following criteria:
a) Three (3) levels of magical ability (Siethkona, Seraph, Harab Seraph, Witch Doctor)
b) A random pick (Fortune Teller, Vaetti Hag, Master of the Way)
c) A stealthy ability (Star Child, Illuminated One, Bard)
If you want to vote for another mage, feel free to tick other.
[ June 04, 2004, 08:44: Message edited by: Blitz ]