Arcoscephale Golden Era AAR
AAR's seem to be popular, and I've always enjoyed writing them for various games, so I've decided to try my hand at one. I've been playing golden era a lot as I'm tinkering with a mod, so I'll use them. Since I would like a shorter game, I'll play on the Ormus map. It's only 54 provinces, with 11 of them being sea provinces. The mapmaker suggests playing with 2-4 nations, but I've invited both water nations as well as C'tis, Ulm, Man, and Plythium. Should make for some fast action!
My pretender god of choice these days is the Virtue. She's cheap and is great against independants... plus with the right equipment she'll be a good weapon later in the game. I'll start her off with 3 Air and 3 Earth... plus a healthy 7 dominion. I'll take a castle, 3 points of order, 3 points of magic, and the 1 point of forced sloth under golden era. I'm using my arco mod, which gives wind riders +1 awe and slightly boosts the myrmidons... so I'm going to try and pair construction summons in the front lines with chariots and wind riders attacking the rear. Hope you enjoy the read.