thumbs up.
im puttin up server, all right, but theres some things to solve before thats heppening. im going to put up a linuxcomp for a server and things like that. maybe day after tomorrow.
somethings about the game settings. its going to be ,independents 7, normal riches, only few magic sites (35. normal is 40), aran map. 8 to 10 humanplayers. no comps. only newbies without serios mp-experience are welcome

or maybe some veteran could join in and try extremely bizarre tactics..
i think it would be a good idea to blitz first 20-40 turns in one night/morning/evening/day depending on which timezone you are at. and after the blitz one turn every 24h. or faster if everybody involved maakes their moves.
i`ve heard bad things about clamhoarding and vampire queen. they are Banned in some mp-games (so i read from the threads). could somebody explain why are these things so vicious. vampire queen is obvious (but she was remade in the patch, so is she still too powerful for mp-games?), and what is this thing called clamhoarding? if its very bad, then its Banned.
any requests for the game?
and yeah, no quiters, castlers and cheaters plz.