Re: Speeding Up Tien Chi Spring and Autumn ?!
thats true Mardagg that my scales will make me a bit unpopular .
ermor , pan cw , perhaps bf ulm ( forced to take death 1 ) and abysia ( no income loss due to death ) are really the only ones which come to my mind with deathscale .
but all in all deathscale is not too evil even with death 3 on turn 50 only 26% of your population have died through deathscale .
on the other hand you have +35% population by then .
mid - lategame high growth doesn't prevent you from population mass kill spells though and bad events .
there are simply no easy choices in dominions ( only really few ) . i have +240 points through death 3 and so can afford a vq so no problem if she dies earlygame .
you have though better economy earlygame but midgame you become a good target for population mass kill spells at least in your 30k+ population provinces .
my tien chi s&a is really quite similiar to ermor .
only thing to pay upkeep for are mages and really FEW archers + footmen for earlygame expansion .
normally luck 3 is just enough to have enough cash but not more .
if i have really bad luck i still can either sell forged items to other players or pillage a province e.g. underwater provinces earlygame which i likely can't keep against ryleh anyways if it comes to a war .
edit : if i take at least air 2 for my vq i have a nice advantage in early - midgame defense though because per cloud trapeze she can pick her battles so no need to guess moves .
your ghostking is really nice but he lacks fly + regeneration + immortality 3 abilities i love with the vq . your ghostking shares 0 basic protection .
so earlygame after buffresearch i can use my vq against every indeps even if she dies not too much is lost while you always have to either worry a bit with about 20% of the indy provinces .
e.g. knights may be lucky and give you a nasty early game affliction . he could become feeble minded and your healing hero doesn't show up too .
especially in these dangerous provinces though are often strong magic sites which tien chi needs so urgent .
a Last thought : although my scales are so economic hostile i will have in defending battles some advantages :
-cold 3 works in favour of my undead hordes
-in low population provinces enemies with lots of troops are forced to either fight with starving or forge supply items
your strat allows better bloodhunting though with some lucky randoms because the population slowly regrows .
[ August 02, 2004, 16:30: Message edited by: Boron ]