As long as you do not misrepresent I find some omitting fine, especially for large texts. It is a better to err toward caution in this respect though.
That is exactly the reason that the person would want to omit or otherwise out of place put a statement as if applied to a directly different statement or feeling. Like taking a quote about say "This is the best game ever!" from 'Blizzard Executives' and applying it to Dom2. While they did say that one particular statement, it wasn't in regard what it was directed or USED to express a pov at (case in point, the Email quote in question).
Like I said, I don't think it's the absolutely most horrible thing in the world to do (though others feel this is tantamount to lying) and there is even a specific Flamer (from that one webpage) regarding it. I believe that it would be better to err on the side of honesty and not distortion or even worse, misrepresentation.
This was the very context I was aiming at. Publishing emails are mostly ok, publishing IRC logs from public channels certainly are. I will defend this any time (that was supposed to be a joke about honesty).
Honestly! Such jokes!