On Norfleets cheating:
Between Norfleets early defensive bs, the factual numbers, and Norfleets hasty exit, the case seems pretty clear at this point.
My exit hasn't been THAT hasty. I'm still around to offload of all of my prior responsibilities before I depart prior to Monday, as I am leaving the country on business I had been planning for some time, but had been putting off. Now I don't have a reason for it, so I booked the ticket yesterday. As for "Defensive Early BS", yes, I admit it, I lied. The actual truth was not something that can be believed in the climate, circumstances, and resultant brouhaha, so like I said, I won't waste my time looking like I'm trying to come up with an excuse, which would not have convinced enough people anyway. I've shared it with only a small handful of people I considered to be friends, and requested that they not share this for their own sake, so as not to come off as an apologist and damage their own reputations further. I won't ask anyone to take sides. I'll just take my lumps and leave, as I was really looking for a way out for at least a month now, as Zen can testify to. Ultimately, I'm as fed up by this as you all are, and as people have graciously offered to take the now onerous and distasteful chores off my hands, I can wash them of this entire affair. Good bye, and good riddance.
If you cut though norf's vague bs, it sounds to me that Norfeet is hinting, that he has shared the secret of his cheats with few of his "trusted friends", and ask them not to tell it to anybody else. Perhaps he thinks that this would make a nice parting gift from him to the Dom2 community, as a payback for exposing his cheats and forcing him to quit.
I have no idea if it is turth or not, and obviously Norf can very well be lieing about it just as he lied about other things. He might as well keep his cheats to himself and use them under another alies of his in his future Dom2 games, that he will keep playing. Or he might just lie about his "parting gift" to his friends, to make us all suspicios toward each other, and poison atmosphere in Dom2 community some more. *Shrug* It is impossible to determine.
Be it as it may, the scenario that he is describing was always a possibility, of course. More reasons to find and quickly fix whatever loophole he was using to hack Dom2 files. Personally I trust Illwinter and I believe they will find and close whatever security hole he had been using.