that is pretty dangerous . just 2 words : MIND DUEL .
i don't remember if i ever saw the ai cast that in sp but i think it does sometimes too .
in mp this is extremely dangerous though .
Yes, it's a bit of a concern, but hasn't been a problem for me in SP (I don't play MP).
furthermore i see no reinvigation items / life drain items on the golem sc .
so i have to agree with pickles and add : after the spells he might have 70-80 fatigue but can't recover so after a few tramples he fatigues out .
imho this setup is extremely bad for a golem sc even against ai ermor .
Golems are lifeless, 0-encumberance so they do not fatigue out just from melee/trampling. I've used them - they work well.
Note: I'm not claiming this is an uber SC combo. It's not - It lacks many resistances you want on a SC and is poorly equipped to deal with large (size 5-6) enemies or enemy SC's since it lacks a good weapon or high defense. Perhaps "mini-SC" or some other term might have been better. And the item set I listed is just my personal choice, which I freely vary to match my current situation -and Pickles' Version is arguably better than the listed one. But my only point in mentioning this golem SC was that it is very efficient for going against large masses of cheap units and killing them quickly without getting overwhelmed.