OT: WUAUCLT.exe Problem (HELP)
I am running Windows XP, and for some odd ball reason the Windows update ICON is constantly present in my system try. When I check it says downloading update but has a 0% status. I cannot right click or left click on it. When I kill it in the Windows Task Manager, it comes back within a few seconds.
Now from what I can tell, my system is running SP 1, and this problem did not start until I went to WINDOWS update after hearing that SP2 has been released.
According to some reports the WUAUCLT.exe function is for Windows ME only, and if running on XP, it is a trojan. I checked the registry and could not find the entry for it in the HKEY_Local_Machine Microsoft/windows/currentVersion/run, but that doesn't convince me that it is not a Trojan. I have run both Nortan and McAfee anti virus detectors along with specialized Trojan hunters like Stinger and others. So far none have detected any trojans.
The thing that alarms me is that when I kill the process in Task Manager, it come right back. That really does scare me.
Any tips or kind words of support would be greatly appreciated. And thanks.
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