Katchoo said:
Looks to me like they're denying this awfully hard...
If we did recieve a signal from an Alien Race, do you think they (World Governments, Research Institutes) would gleefully announce that we've found evidence of life beyond Earth? Nope, they'd deny it until the Aliens started competing on American Idol. The ramifications of discovering intelligent life beyond Earth is far more terrifing to some people (especially fanatic religious folk) than a nuclear war.
Then again so would entertaining the possibility it was an alien signal. We're so used to Governments denying this stuff if they didn't wouldn't you think something's off?
As for discovering intelligent life
beyond earth i have little hope of that considering Intelligent Life here
On Earth!
Anyway we all know Earths Default First Contact Protocal
1. Nuke 'Em
2. If Nukes fail then try and communicate
Shoot First and Ask Questions Later
tesco samoa said:
wouldn't the alien life also be of gods creation ?
Yes they would depending on Opinion, some would say God created the universe, some would say god just created earth...Considering how quick some religions are to brand others as Heretics and Infidels what makes you think Aliens would be any better off