Ed Kolis said:
Just curious... are those *extremely* low-res textures on your ship hulls intentional (to simulate armor plating) or were you just unable to make the hulls smooth?
The textures on the Last two ships are just generic bitmaps I use to get an idea of what the ship will look like. Afterwards I'll make custom fitted textures for most of the main ship components. Check back to the Carrot ships to see how I went from my preliminary model to the final one a few Posts later. Notice the difference in how the hull textures are applied between the two?
The hull plating effect is on a large scale so the hull detailing is at least somewhat visible at SE:IV's portrait size. The generic bitmap file I use for hull textures is actually a 200x200 bitmap, but divided into 20x20 plates with differing brightnesses - that's probably why you thought it was low resolution. I suppose I could go further and add hull defects like rust, dirt, etc - but for SE:IV's picture size it's just not worth it.