Look at what Clinton did. Given what Clinton did while president, Bush's character is pretty much above reproach when compared to that of Clintons. Clinton reduced the reputation of the white house to that of a brothel, he lied to congress, and we kept him around for eight years.
Having someone pull strings for you when your 18 or 19 years old is nothing new. I know that when I was 18 I made some pretty horrible choices in my life that I know now I would have done differently. If we accept your POV that a person’s character remains the same from youth through adulthood, then my character is just as rancid as it was 15 years ago.
I put to you that a person character is what they are at the moment, that their character is built by experience and life, not by the strings your dad pulls for you.
And about the fighting evil thing, ya its laughable now, but if Kerry is elected, rather when Kerry is elected, he wants to wage a kinder, gentler war against terrorism. Doesn’t that just send a shudder up your spine? Its Clintons foreign policy all over again. The same policies that got us into this mess.
I really don't believe that terrorist would be impressed with our kinder gentler side. IMHO they would view it as a weakness and really step up their reign of terror.
Then again I could be wrong and who knows, perhaps Kerry can bring the world together in a way never before done. I simply cannot see into the future, I can only predict possible happenstances. And honestly one of those predictions is an America one step closer to the grave, and several steps further away from the freedoms we now enjoy.
Ok that was self serving BS, but honestly I do fear what Kerry will do as president. I honest to God do.
But back on topic, what do you thing the eventual out come of this will be now that CBS is conceeding that perhaps the documents themselves are not authentic, even if the content might be?
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