I think you've bought into one of the tactics of the bush campaign: lying about what Kerry said during the debate, and then repeating that until people beleive it to be the truth. It's a variation on the "big lie" tactic that Goebbels used to great effectiveness.
You're referring, I think to the new Bush ad called "Global Test."
That ad refers to Kerry's comment in the debate that a pre-emptive strike must pass "the global test where your countrymen, your people understand fully why you're doing what you're doing and you can prove to the world that you did it for legitimate reasons."
The Bush ad called it the "Kerry doctrine," and asked: "So we must seek permission from foreign governments before protecting America?"
Kerry also said in the debate Thursday that he would not cede the United States' right to a pre-emptive strike and that he will "hunt and kill the terrorists wherever they are." Those comments are what the Kerry ad focused on.
So...I don't see how you can say that Kerry said anything about "getting Kofi Anon's permission"
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Greybeard said:
I thought Kerry showed that he's a good debater. However, he didn't really make any significant points to hurt Bush. He made a huge gaff when he talked about passing an international test (getting Kofi Anon's permission) before taking action to defend the US. This will come back to hurt him; big time.