quantum_mechani said:
I'm glad Ry'leh and Mrignon finally spoke their voice in this,
I am happy to continue the game until their nations are ground to dust. 
Storm, you don't seem to be getting it, but I will try one more time. We would have allied against you even if we had never thought of turning it into allied victory. Your diplomacy had annoyed us both a lot, and the graphs showed you had become quite powerful. So the issues really are totally separate, you would be facing the same thing if everyone agreed to no allied victory. Unless, of course, you don't believe me that this was our main motivation, which I suppose you are free to do. I never said I now liked the end game, but then again I never hated it either, only preffered the early-middle game.
As far as what to do, how about we continue the war, myself and mictlan vs. Van, Ry'leh and Marignon? If there comes at time when the surviving players are becoming bored, we will deal with it then. Unless Storm disbelieves me about the motivations for the war, this seems to solve everyone's issues.
Qunatum, I think you are the one who is not geting it.
You said yourself that your main motivation for going into war was to avoid long endgames that you hate. You already confirmed that my quotes of your saying just that were correct. Are you going to try to backpedal and deny it now? Same for Archeolept. Also I don't think you have read my previous letter carefully. As I said, my own actions over Last 5 turns would be very different if not for your "joint" victory. I would not attack Mictlan for example after you attacked me. Instead I would quickly wipe your armies with all my SCs in the north, while spending all my money and gems on summoning troops and building castles in the south, to slow Micltan down when he will finally choose to interfere. You have absolutely nothing to stop the full might of my SCs, artifacts and armies. Unlike Mictlan, you also have almost no stealth troops to avoid my ghost riders/teleporting AQs/pretender/Vans. If the war with Mictlan would start even 3 turns later than it did, by that time all of your best troops and SCs would be gone. Than I would have to face mostly Mictlan, at least for the close future.
And if you think I am braging, think about what I did to your on your northern front over the Last 5 turns. And FYI all this time I have been using only 20-25% of my resourses against you. The rest of my forces were tied on the Mictlan front. By yourself you were never a dangerious enemy for Vanheim. Only Mictlan was.
I am not saying this to insult you, just trying to make you understand that things would go very differently if not for your "joint victory" agreement with Mictlan. So saying "ok, let's pretend nothing happened during Last 5 turns and continue as it is but under different name" does not make any sense to me.
Anyway, if you want to continue this game, I am sending my passwords to Maltrease. He will be the new keeper of the gamem if he wants to. Also if he wants, he can also take control over my Vanheim. I have reset the game for the Last time.
P.S. BTW if Quantum is serious about withdrewing from their "joint victory" agreement and honestly agrees to return to FFA game format, than the only logical choice for him would be to attack Mictlan immideatly, in alliance with all other nations. As of this turn , there is no chance in hell for any combination of in-game nations to beat Mictlan/Pangeya alliance, no matter what label they will put on top of it or how they spin it. At the same time Mictlan is much stronger than Pangeya. I would say that if all nations would combine their might against Mictlan and will cooperate very efficiently, they might have a chance agaisnt him, although Mictlan would still have an advantage. So QM, if you are indeed honestly want to try to win the game instead of this "joint victory" crap that you said is no longer valid, your only possible course of action is to withdrew from your allaince, ally with everybody else, and try to stop Mictlan before he gobble too much territory. Frankly you would still most likely fail since Mictlan is too strong by now, but this is the only real possibility to prevent Mictlan from wining the game, if you are indeed honest about your rediscovered commitment to FFA.