It's amazing that the whole globe is tied so closely to the US economy, heh wow.
Well thanks for the lesson
it was interesting (and scarry) all I can say is I hope those campaign rhetoric types are blown out of proportions because I would hate having to raise my kids (if I ever have any) in a depression era WORLD
(then again that would be one hell of a way to change world economics eh?)
Well I do doubt Kerry would do any better to be honest as democrats have shown no better spending policies then republicans it's just that they are better at covering up their bullsh!t
(sorry but I don't like politics at all and both parties tick me off at times).
Though for the most part my family is republican (parents, grand parents, aunts uncles the whole shabang) most of them will vote democrate if they beleive the candidate is better then the republican and so will I when can vote, but I still have to say I would not have voted Kerry.