Re: 100 anything versus 100 Crystalline Ships
Alneyan, you have a good point. Baseships are not known of their agility. But they have 2 advantages over dreadnoughts which may weight more. First, Bigger mount. You need high one shot damage to break Crystal armor defence. Wave motion gun makes a good damage on smaller mounts either, yes, but its reload time is 3. APB makes a good deal of damage and fires every turn, though it needs a bigger mount (ie. baseship). Second point is, that Crystal player is propably using dreadnoughts, so using same size class ships you can't use tractor beam any useful way.
I was thinking of putting wormhole beam at the end of all weapons. It is useful, but the weapon placement I suggested requires a lot of space itself too (many more shield depleters than in normal ship design, therefore less space for normal weapons). So if you can fit wormhole beam Last, good for you.
Also drones with shield depleters might surprise your enemy. They soak enemy fire and with any luck they deplete eney shields too.
If you give a man a fish, he will eat a day;
But if you teach a man to fish, he will buy an ugly hat;
And if you talk about a fish to a starving man, then you're a consultant