deccan said:
Sciences po? Surely you don't mean to be an enarque? That would make you even more Machiavellian than you already are, though that would arguably make you even better at playing strategy games with lots of scope for diplomacy...
Well, I wouldn't go to Sciences po in Paris, and the odds of getting in the ENA would be about as high as... well, defeated a High-bonus Asmala/Primitive/RexTorres alliance. So it does not seem that likely, even without looking at matters like "do I want to? Is it related to 42 in any way?".
It would fit quite nicely with my title though. As Narf put it, I am a "sarcastic, *****y, amoral mind-bender". Doesn't that have a nice ring to it? Too bad the comment was aimed at my character, the ever so nice Tiefling Psion.