Okay an update on how things are going for me:
Planets: 178
Population: 56.3 billion
Units: 2757
Ships: 121
Bases: 0
Rank: 2nd
Minerals: 19568
Organics: 86533 (dang phong practically every world is organics or rads)
Rads: 187053 (there's the rads
Relations with Other Nations:
Phong (losing the war badly but still won't surrender)
Neo-Star Empire (it's looking like war is coming soon as they are starting to get more and more agressive with demanding I leave their space, even though the space they are claiming is mine
Magellan Corp: Still ice cold relations but they are a year and a half's journey away even with my fastest ships so they're not to dangerous so I enjoy taking resources from trade with them
Manti Star Kingdom: Relations are good so far, they're staying out of my space I'm staying out of their's and we are both getting pretty good resources from trade with one another.
Sol Coalition: They are only my ally because I need their resources and because they are a year's journey away with my fastest ship and nearly two with theirs.
Citizen Federation: They're getting their asses kicked by someone though I don't know who so I don't really care about them and hope they die soon.
Anyway I hope you guys are enjoying my newest chapters