A problem with Natarajans and their hands?
After finally getting a wraith sword for my Natarajan I discovered what appears to be an odd bug. The poor old guy lost an arm in a previous battle (no big deal, I'm Arco). When I equip him with the wraith sword his weapon shows up as "fist" down at the bottom of this description. If I give him a wraith sword and a main gauche of parrying, he shows up as having "fist" and "main gauche of parrying". I can give him three one-handed weapons just fine (they all show up), and I have no other two-handed weapon to test.
This is a MP game, otherwise I would test myself to see whether this is a display bug or whether he really can't use this wraith sword until healed. Has anyone else run into this problem before? There aren't many multi-handed creatures, so perhaps it is rare to encounter this.