alexti said:
PrinzMegaherz said:
Another Idea that would make Ulm something special...
What about giving the smiths higher paths, but take their abilitiy to cast spells. They would be "Forge only" mages, unrivaled in producing things (with maybe 2 in each kind of magic), but useless on the battlefield.
Maybe leave master smiths as they are, but add a new capital only unit - Crippled Grand Master Smith - with strategic movement 0 and right kind of afflictions (chest would, probably blindness etc) and with 2E2F1R (or maybe with 3E1F1R). They will be good for forging and decent for research, but not for the battles.
Hey thats a good idea .
No need to give them wounds , no need to give them strategic move 0 . Just giving them the immobile ability makes them unable to move like the sphinx .
Then they could be only used for capitol defence + forging + summoning .
This approach could be used for pangenea also , immobile old treemen ultramages for forging + summoning + researching and this way improving them a bit as well .