Re: Age of Men: Themed Game
I'd like to play, but keep in mind something like a Wraithlord is very nasty and not so big in size.
Other stuff you need to count are the nations restricted to heavy infantry like Ulm.
They probably can't afford many mages in armies.
As Age of Men, may I suggest to add human pretender rule?
Indeed, Vanheim and Man could have a great benefit cause of their elite troops and blessed mage-priest-commander ...
Another rule should be about priests, I mean, som nations have priest lvl 3 (sermon of courage) that are mages, like Abysya or Arco or Pythium. That's not fair for those nations to be forced to lose a mage "slot" for someone that is needed more for keeping their troops in the battle than direct spellcasting.
And what about Undead Nations? They could have plenty of stuff spamming skeletons, because they can get hundreds of troops easily toghether.
I'd put free mages til they've no more than 2 magic level in total, or 3. Or related 1 every 10 units.
Meanwhile the stronger mages, could be 1 every 25 units. There're still the options of false horror spamming for lower level mages.
I like the idea of a game based on national troops, we need to refine the rules however. And national heroes will mean something more!!!
- Cohen
- The Paladin of the Lost Causes
- The Prophet of the National Armyes
- The Enemy of the SC and all the overpowered and unbalanced things.