Re: Did God Invent Us, Or Did We Invent Him
Electricty is also a theory, but like evolution it happens to fit the facts with the evidence that currently exists. Evoltuion itself is slow change via natural selection and/or the result of energy trying to optimize itself (imagine if we unleashed evolution on WindowsXP - we could create a virutal self-feeding black hole.)
This is what I think about Creationism in school.
It should not be taught in the science class - ever. However, the schools should - at the expense of local organized religions and various other Groups - provide a class devoted discussion of philosphy of religion.
Jack, I'm in Dr. Hawking's camp that there may not have been a big-bang in the means portrayed by popular entertainment. That the universe has always existed and always will as it lacks the matter and material to create an ending in the form of a "Big Crunch". I don't see an "intelligent design" to the universe even when going down the chain and examining each link. Now I do believe there is a cause behind the formation of the universe that is natural, not intelligent. That cause is the optimization of energy.
Now you are right, this is a question of what we each think is more logical. However, his "One way or the other" is a Logical Fallacy. It's assuming if A is true, B is false. or vice versa. By far it's his worst fallacy of them and a common fallacy used against proponents of evolution and other theories. There is no proof to such a fallacy as it is hardly a black and white subject as you clearly argued and You yourself, in your rebuttal just used the logical fallacy of accent by placing emphasis on certain phrases in your comments.
This is what science is for me: The process by which the illogical, the fallacy, and the fiction is stripped away and all that remains is the reality, the fact, the truth and this process is ongoing, it does not reach an end at any time. This itself is the processes behind evolution. It doesn't have all the answers, but it looks for them. Progress.
Creationism, however, is the exact opposite. It presents itself as having all the answers already and you don't need to go farther. This in itself is a means of preventing people from even looking for more.
Now, Jack, you argue about the infinite when we much consider the plight of the creator-god in question. Who created him? If no one did, then has he always existed? If so, how? If he did not, then who created his creators? and so on and so forth.
-corrected a grammatical error