Re: America the Police State
Well The american police state strikes a nerve in me. We can see at this moment in time that Security in all phases of american life is if not the topmost concern in the top ten at least. When I saw this Titor thing I had several conflicts with it. But after reading the original exchanges little tidbits began add up.
1. Mad cow desiese is becoming more wide spread including deer and Elk populations in the midwest and recent research shows that just about all tissues are suspect and it is jumping from species.
2. Titor is asleep when he time travels for a soldier( I was in the Marines) you sleep when you can and that statement lends itself to authenticty.
3. The sabbath was moved back to Saturday. Very interesting as the Bible indicates that the Sabbath should be on a Saturday.
4. "internet nodes" I have done research and this technolgy is just now in it's infancy and it is being aimed at small towns and rural areas.
5. In just this past year solar cells new and improved are getting ready to enter the market.
6. Open sourced programming is just now starting to nibble at the Quality of our software and pushing improving it.
I am looking for seeds of the predicted civil war and I am hard pressed to detect it. But I think back on the War of northern aggression and wonder if more than a handful could see a fullblown war coming. With our 20/20 hindsight it is easy to pick out the signs.
As far as the american police state and noticing that more and more people are going to jail and wondering when the next terriorist attack will occur and the militant supporters of the anti-republicans and the a weird fact that hardly anyone trust the media.
Well this Titor fellow is hitting close to home. I hope most of it is just coincidence. But it does not hurt to be cautious.
The fact that slaughter is a horrifying spectacle must make us take war more seriously, but does not provide an excuse for gradually blunting our swords in the name of humanity. Sooner or later, someone will come along with a sharper sword and hack off our arms