Re: Did God Invent Us, Or Did We Invent Him
Have any of you ever read the book Sphere? Not the movie, as the movie was quite bad. The book is very interesting in that it makes you believe that what you think becomes your reality.
Don't ask me why, but it is one of the better books I have read in recent years, and for some odd ball reason, I honestly believe that in some small way what we think does effect events in our lives.
If you have faith and believe in God, then the belief itself has a reality for you. If you do not believe in God, then that to is a reality.
What if God is real and God gave us the power to make our own way in this demension / reality? What if we have all forgotten how to use that ability, or worse, have given it up?
One thing that cannot be denied about anything is that the universe is so vast, so incredable that anything is possible. All because we have not thought it up, or cannot expain it, does not mean that it does not exisit or that it defies comprehension. Remember, it wasn't that long ago that we thought the world was flat and cruicified those who said it was round. Keep an open mind and be willing to accept the facts as they are proven without killing the messinger.
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