MP game: Nations at War. Started!
I am thinking of starting up another MP game. We'll play on Desert Eye most likely, with difficult research, normal richness, magic sites at 50, HoF 15. Independents will be at 5, but the key is that each person will start off with 9 provinces. War and diplomacy should both happen early on, giving people a chance to use their national troops.
We will use Zen's Pretender Mod for this one.
The only house rule is that Caelum is illegal.
Boron as Vanheim.
Jurri as Jotunheim.
PashaDawg as Machaka.
Aku as Arcosephale.
Legacyspy as Man.
Jeffr as Pangea.
Dzbabi as Ermor.
Azhur as Pythium.
Me as Ulm.