That new flyer at the top left of the forum reminds me of a VISA card. LOL - Shrapnel should have its own VISA service. Think about it, you want a shrapnel game, but are a bit strapped, however have good credit, then sign up for the shrapel games visa card and pay for that game for the next 20 years with their low introductory rate offer of only 15%.
Hey a lot of companies already have their own Credit Cards, Best Buy, Home Depo, Circuite City, etc. Why not Shrapnel Games? They could offer other games for sale as well as their own. Become a mega game discount retailer and take the internet by storm! Shrapnel Games, we sell all the games at black market prices. Don't take our word for it, come see for yourself. The best prices in the industry for all the top games, pc, mac, consule, and other..... We even have a fine selection of board games and hard to find nitch market games that focus on the game play over the flashiness.
Shrapnel Games your one stop game depo in the war against high prices.