BigDaddy said:
This sounds like more fun, huh? Well:
It's about time we had some fun in the discussion.
BigDaddy said:
I don't think mass murder is commonplace today, however, it does still exist. Although I might be inclined to agree that it is SURPRISINGLY commonplace.
It's going on *right now* in the Darfur region of Sudan. As it is in the Congo -- by the same people who commited the atrocities in Rwanda. And on a smaller scale in many other countries.
BigDaddy said:
Negative aspects of religion:
-religion is often used to control people
-religion is often used as an excuse to commit mass murder and ethnic cleansing
-religion is used to emasculate, without surgery, many otherwise strong men
-religion is often used as a cover for cowardice
-religion is often used to exclude perfectly fine individual (self-rightousness)
-religion is often a source of unhealthy pride
If religion was a drug in pill form (it's a drug, but of a different sort), the FDA would ban it because of its dangerous side effects.
BigDaddy said:
ahh, why'd you skip me Arryn.
Feel better now?