Movement questions for the FAQ.
I just want to be very sure that this information is correct. I'd appreciate help so I don't have to spend time testing/verifying these. These questions are for stock v1.91. Please answer or verify correctness.
1) A ship gets 1 movement point per engine. Every 3rd level of propulsion tech gives 1 bonus move per turn. Mixed engine types give lowest bonus available.
2) Movement supply cost is based on total movement; including solar sails and bonus engine movement and emergency propulsion.
3) combat movement speed is 1/2 strategic speed rounded up. (fighters will add afterburner movement to this)
4) A ship with no supplies is reduced to a movement of 1 per strategic turn and 1 per combat turn. side note: no supplies means no shields or weapons fire in combat for weapons that use supplies; also no cloaking.
5) How is movement affected in a ship with a destroyed master computer (no b/cq/ls)? ________ per strategic turn and _____ per combat turn.
6) How is movement affected in a ship with a destroyed bridge (no aux con or master computer)? ________ per strategic turn and _____ per combat turn.
7) How is movement affected in a ship with some CQ destroyed (no master computer)? ________ per strategic turn and _____ per combat turn.
8) How is movement affected in a ship with all CQ destroyed (no master computer)? ________ per strategic turn and _____ per combat turn.
9) How is movement affected in a ship with some LS destroyed (no master computer)? ________ per strategic turn and _____ per combat turn.
10) How is movement affected in a ship with all LS destroyed (no master computer)? ________ per strategic turn and _____ per combat turn.
11) If a ship has a master computer and 1 each of b/cq/ls, how is movement affected as any/all get destroyed?
12) for 5 - 11, do any of these affect the ability to fire weapons?